The swallows cascade the celebration of senses

Everything at Las Golondrinas is a party. The sound of the mantled howlers and the birdsongs, the vigorous din of the cascades which refresh our face with the breeze, the blue-greenish tones of their river. It is a party, it can only be that.

Its name is neither a coincidence nor a rhetorical excess. Among the cascadeís caves, hundreds of swallows nest. Listening and watching them fly in a cloud at dawn and at sunset is like watching the same image of the bustling joy itself, a celebration of life and its delight.

On the other hand, the natural pools which are formed naturally over the river create an ideal frame for a swimming day in the middle of the jungleís exuberant vegetation.

Its Ecotourism Center offers to the visitor, besides lodging, the possibility to practice hiking through the paths that surround its natural wonders. The views offered by the bridges over the cascades are unmatched; and beside that, you can visit its rich botanical garden with plants and trees with re sounding names (Corozo Palm (Bactris), roble (oak), cedro (cedar), caoba (bead-tree or white cedar) hormiguillo (Platymiscium), chicozapote (sapodilla), hule (rubber tree), romerillo (pineneedle milkweed), sabino (Montezuma Cypress or Ahuehuete), manzanilla (ground apple or hamomile), amate (wild fig tree), ceiba (ceiba tree), guarumbo (Cecropia) and jimba (bam-boo).

The best moths for visiting this beautiful place are, without a doubt, those months before the torrential rains, this means, before June.


Sociedad Cooperativa Chen Ulich

Cel. 045 916 120 03 56

Call Center 01 919 30015 Ext. 134


Desde Ocosingo, poco antes de llegar a Toniná, tomar la desviación hacia Monte Líbano, luego hacia Nahá. Seguir hasta entroncar con Sibal, El Limonar,  la carretera Fronteriza del Sur, en dirección a Bonampak, encontrarás la desviación a Lacanjá Tzeltal a aproximadamente 8 km.


Camping, palapas unifamiliares y estacionamiento.


Llevar ropa y calzado cómodos, cámara fotográfica y repelente para insectos.



Móvil +52 1 961 138 48 65

Oficina +52 984 147 37 77

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