Sibal spectacular lagoons

Instead of beautiful lakes where contrasts with the turquoise blue waters. We find Laguna Guineo surrounded by a complex of ruins and a number of islands with cave paintings that were part of an ancient civilization.

It is more real that Sibal owes a water-bearing system which includes 7 lagoons with the most crystal clear water you have ever seen. They are aqua colored, so clear that you can see the bottom at the naked eye. In case you are curious before visiting the site, our team did some underwater footage which will surprise you, we are sure about it; just […]

Bonampak the painted walls of the mayan court

Bonampak (which means in Maya language “Painted Walls”) is an ancient city on the basin of the Usumacinta River. It is worldwide known by its murals which are the ones that offer more details of the life in the Maya Court.

The archeological site consists on several buildings surrounding the main square. Some of the buildings have well carved steles, but the most famous one is the Temple of the Murals where there are three rooms with paintings dating 790. They were made using a complex technique called ìfreshî (it was used in the decoration of the Sistine Chapel).

The murals […]

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