These are an Example of the work of artisans in Chiapas, with a careful design and unsurpassed quality thanks to years of practice and improvement, Berriozabal leads the State at the creation of hammocks there are of all types, shapes, sizes, colors and materials.

FUN FACT: The history of Berriozabal begins in a ranch founded by Ponce de Leon brothers, than in the times of present Berriozabal becomes to be a centennial city

The word Hamaca (Hammock ) comes from the Nahuatl Language and It means: to rest, but It will not just let you rest but It also gives you the pleasure and the comfort so different from what you are used to, that you will fall asleep as soon as you get on it, the hammock is a precise and imaginative invention. In Berriozabal there are many artisans, who engage their body and soul into creating these crafts that certainly stands out in quality, as well as they enable them to exploit their creativity in combining colors and the extensions that make each one of the hammock’s colors unique.

As part of the “Craftsman’s Day” more than 200 Hammock Artisans gathered in 2007 to make history by creating the largest hammock in Mexico, allowing more prominence to this traditional craft of the population, over a thousand different ways and led this work to be known in several countries.

If you are visiting the State of Chiapas you will need to buy a Hammock so you will for sure may enjoy the best sleep.

We recommend you to eat food of the region like rabbit.