Taller Leñateros a combination of fiber, color and textures

Right by San Cristobal de las Casas, you will find the Lenateros Workshop. At this magical place leaves and seeds are transformed in a great variety of items along with recycled materials and natural fibers.

The Mexican poet Ambar Past founded this workshop in 1975. The objective is to document, and spread the cultural values of the locals, the songs, literature, and crafts and to rescue things and traditions that are about to disappear like the extraction of color from plants.

The lenateros create, show, invent new things and work in different ways to make handcrafted paper, notebooks, solar silkscreen, wood engraving and painting with plants. The organization is pro environment, recycle and to create work of art.


Hammocks, hands, soul and magic

These are an Example of the work of artisans in Chiapas, with a careful design and unsurpassed quality thanks to years of practice and improvement, Berriozabal leads the State at the creation of hammocks there are of all types, shapes, sizes, colors and materials.

FUN FACT: The history of Berriozabal begins in a ranch founded by Ponce de Leon brothers, than in the times of present Berriozabal becomes to be a centennial city

The word Hamaca (Hammock ) comes from the Nahuatl Language and It means: to rest, but It will not just let you rest but It also gives you the pleasure and the comfort so different from what you […]

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