Metzabok landscape of the original world

There are places where nature spilled its gifts with generosity. Metzabok (which means “The Thunder Maker God”) could very well be one of the best examples of this, it has: forest, jungle, a very rich fauna (unfortunately some of them are endangered, such as the Quetzal, the Great Curassow, the Harpy Eagle and the Jaguar), crystal clear waters, landscapes, caves, etcetera.

Upon arriving to the Mezabok lagoon, we find some rowboats and a Cayuco (a small indigenous canoe). The cayuco is extremely narrow and gives you the impression that it can tip over any minute. They explain to us that the […]

Soconusco Archaeological Museum

The name of this museum is that it is within the region called “Soconusco”, located in an interior portion of the Old Municipal Palace of Tapachula, built around 1925, the bulk of its museology is for materials recovered in Izapa, archaeological site near Tapachula. Over five rooms invites you various aspects of pre-Hispanic times. Includes aspects of other cultures in the region, as the very early Chantuto, Preclassic period Olmec ruins, several trails Cacahoatán, sample Plumbate between the Classic and Postclassic and finally corresponding to the presence and dominance Mexican in the area during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Spanish rule, independence and further development of Soconusco, are also addressed in another room. […]

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