Tres Lagunas, extreme adventure & nice resting

It is 8 pm and darkness is thick. We are in the middle of a lagoon and the darkness, on the fragile balance of a boat more than slight. Beneath us the patter of the water on the boat and the dense fog are hiding a toothed and terrible threat: the crocodile.

The most shocking thing is that we are there because we want to be there. The sighting of crocodiles is one of the offers that the Ecotourism Center Tres Lagunas (Three Lagoons), can only be accomplished at night and quietly, or almost quietly if we take in consideration that […]

Lacanjá Chansayab mystic and extreme experience

One of the most interesting places to stay in the jungle is Lacanja Chansayab and not only if you want to visit the archeological ruins of Bonampak and Yaxchilan (both of them are very close), but also to do some camping or to practice rafting, swimming and hiking. Its offer is such that you could spend as much as a week without repeating activity.

Upon arrival we stayed at the Kayo´s cabins which are nice, cozy and clean. Our host offered us a walk to a cascade and to some ruins which are not explored by investigators yet. Kayon calls the […]

Bonampak the painted walls of the mayan court

Bonampak (which means in Maya language “Painted Walls”) is an ancient city on the basin of the Usumacinta River. It is worldwide known by its murals which are the ones that offer more details of the life in the Maya Court.

The archeological site consists on several buildings surrounding the main square. Some of the buildings have well carved steles, but the most famous one is the Temple of the Murals where there are three rooms with paintings dating 790. They were made using a complex technique called ìfreshî (it was used in the decoration of the Sistine Chapel).

The murals […]

Restaurante El Candil

La mejor cocina tradicional

  • Capacidad para 110 personas
  • Renta de salón (bautizos, baby shower, cumpleaños)
  • Servicio de buffet (fines de semana)
  • Bar
  • Servicio de platillos para sus eventos
  • Información turística
  • Venta de artesanías y folletería

4a. Sur Ote. 98, Planta Alta, Barrio Candelaria, Ocosingo, Chiapas.

01 (919) 673 00 37 WhatsApp 919 670 5968

Laguna Miramar Amazing beauty

In the palpitating center of the Lacandon jungle, one of the almost virgin sites of the world is located, splendor of Chiapas and a universal wonder: Miramar Lagoon.

There are a few places in the world with such natural beauty around you for the recreation and relaxation of the spirit, and the Miramar Lagoon, we have to say it, is one of them: It is surrounded by vegetation and orchids of fantasy, the dreamed-like colors of the lagoon ranging from the light and transparent green to the blue cobalt. It gives the impression of being a bay with underwater dunes, archipelagos […]

Tzaquil Tzumut “Paloma Blanca”

Explorando la ciudad de Ocosingo, puerta de entrada a la Selva Lacandona, nos

sorprendió la coexistencia de culturas ancestrales con la modernidad, sin perder sus rasgos distintivos.

El asombro creció cuando en el centro de la ciudad encontramos Arca Bazar, un espacio donde los textiles de los diferentes grupos Ètnicos que habitan la región se fusionan en una infinita amalgama de formas y colores, que al convertirlos en diversos accesorios, nos transportan al pasado que aun hoy día permanece vivo gracias a la marca Tzaquil Tzumut, voz Tseltal que en castellano significa “Paloma Blanca”.

Con esta imagen buscan disminuir la distancia que surgió […]

Restaurante Equipales

  • Cortes estilo Americano de Res
  • Brangus
  • Cerveza Artesanal
  • Vinos nacionales e importados
  • Tequila
  • Brandi Español
  • Licorería Fina

1era. Oriente Sur #172, Planta Alta, Barrio Guadalupe, Ocosingo, Chiapas.

Agencia Ecoexperiencias

Una aventura diferente todos los días

Pasión por la naturaleza

Vive Chiapas, vive Ecoexperiencias

Tel. 00 52 961 613 25 11

Ocosingo, Chiapas

El valle que se aleja de sí mismo a galope

Tal vez porque Ocosingo es el municipio más grande de Chiapas, el poeta Efraín Bartolomé (nacido ahí) lo llama en un poema ¡el valle que se aleja de sí mismo a galope!. Es grande. Es bello. Y con una riqueza cultural que viene de lejos, de los albores de la civilización maya. Sus etnias, sus conocimientos ancestrales, su color, sus formas, su abundante flora y fauna, todo en Ocosingo exalta y nutre la imaginación. Sin embargo, no quisiéramos despedirnos sin mencionar algunas otras cosillas a las que debes echar un […]

QUINTA “Los Pavorreales”

“Tus eventos son especiales con nuestros detalles la Diferencia”

  • Renta de Cabañas
  • Alberca
  • Areas Verdes

Carretera Ocosingo-San Cristóbal Km 1 Tel. 919 113 82 34

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