Tuxtla Gutiérrez city
TUXTLA GUTIERREZ HISTORY | Tuxtla Gutiérrez city
The capital is the perfect point to start discovering the wonders of Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutiérrez is the center of all political, economical and commercial activities of the state.
It´s surrounded with impressive natural beauties such as the mighty “Sumidero Canyon” and the “Miguel Álvarez del Toro Zoo” (ZOOMAT for it´s spanish meaning).
Tuxtla Gutiérrez has its roots on the náhuatl language “Tuchtlán” (Tochtli – rabbit and tangle: abundance), and Gutiérrez for our hero “Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez”, who offered his life fighting for his federalist ideals. The name of the […]