Restaurante Las Pichanchas Tuxtla Gutiérrez

Vive la Experiencia…

  • Cocina chiapaneca
  • Música de marimba
  • Bailes folklóricos

Facebook: Restaurante_Las Pichanchas

Av. Central Oriente 837, Col. Centro, Tel. (961) 612 53 51 · 611 11 39

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México.



Nuez de Macadamia, la más fina del mundo “una delicia natural para disfrutar”

  • Cajeta con nuez de macadamia
  • Nueces botaneras
  • Galletas
  • Av. Central Oriente No. 17, Colonia Nuevo Paraíso, Ocosingo, Chiapas.

WhatsApp 919 110 1179

Elaborado de Macadamia Industrias de Ocosingo, SPR de RL

Metzabok landscape of the original world

There are places where nature spilled its gifts with generosity. Metzabok (which means “The Thunder Maker God”) could very well be one of the best examples of this, it has: forest, jungle, a very rich fauna (unfortunately some of them are endangered, such as the Quetzal, the Great Curassow, the Harpy Eagle and the Jaguar), crystal clear waters, landscapes, caves, etcetera.

Upon arriving to the Mezabok lagoon, we find some rowboats and a Cayuco (a small indigenous canoe). The cayuco is extremely narrow and gives you the impression that it can tip over any minute. They explain to us that the […]

Sibal spectacular lagoons

Instead of beautiful lakes where contrasts with the turquoise blue waters. We find Laguna Guineo surrounded by a complex of ruins and a number of islands with cave paintings that were part of an ancient civilization.

It is more real that Sibal owes a water-bearing system which includes 7 lagoons with the most crystal clear water you have ever seen. They are aqua colored, so clear that you can see the bottom at the naked eye. In case you are curious before visiting the site, our team did some underwater footage which will surprise you, we are sure about it; just […]

Explora Ecoturismo y Aventura

Descubre la selva Lacandona y la gran biodiversidad de Chiapas.

Horarios: Lunes a Viernes 8:30 am a 8 pm y de 4 pm a 8 pm.

Sábados de 9:30 am a 2 pm

1o. de Marzo # 30, Centro Histórico, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. C.P. 29200

Tel.: 01 (967) 631 74 98 / Fax: 01 (967) 674 66 60

Reservaciones: Lada sin costo: 01 800 397 50 72

Museo del ámbar Lilia Mijangos

Ambaria corazón de ámbar

Facebook: Museo del ámbar Lilia Mijangos

Diego de Mazariegos 23C Centro Histórico, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.

Las Golondrinas cascade

The swallows cascade the celebration of senses

Everything at Las Golondrinas is a party. The sound of the mantled howlers and the birdsongs, the vigorous din of the cascades which refresh our face with the breeze, the blue-greenish tones of their river. It is a party, it can only be that.

Its name is neither a coincidence nor a rhetorical excess. Among the cascadeís caves, hundreds of swallows nest. Listening and watching them fly in a cloud at dawn and at sunset is like watching the same image of the bustling joy itself, a celebration of life and its delight.

On the other […]

Hotel Nututun Palenque

  • Ambiente seguro, confortable y familiar
  • Hotel
  • Campamento
  • Restaurante

Facebook: Hotel Nututun

Tel. (916) 345 01 00, 345 01 61 y 345 06 33

Po´op Chan the jade-green water

Nueva Palestina (a town in Chiapas) is one of the places that has more natural resources in the Chiapanecan Jungle Tour. There you can find archeological remains, cascades, rivers, and exuberant vegetation. And there, one of the most pleasant places for recreation and relaxing is, without a doubt, Po´op Chan, the biggest pool there. It is not only huge and with a beautiful Jade-green color but it is also ideal for swimming.

The pool is located at the edge of the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve so it is possible to practice hiking and mountain biking; it is an opportunity to […]

Tres Lagunas, extreme adventure & nice resting

It is 8 pm and darkness is thick. We are in the middle of a lagoon and the darkness, on the fragile balance of a boat more than slight. Beneath us the patter of the water on the boat and the dense fog are hiding a toothed and terrible threat: the crocodile.

The most shocking thing is that we are there because we want to be there. The sighting of crocodiles is one of the offers that the Ecotourism Center Tres Lagunas (Three Lagoons), can only be accomplished at night and quietly, or almost quietly if we take in consideration that […]

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